Private Lessons

We are proud to offer private lessons to students of all ages and abilities in a wide variety of instruments including piano, guitar, vocal lessons, and more.

Semi-Private Lessons

At SAM we know that private lessons can be intimidating for new students. Our semi-private lessons allow students to take lessons with a friend or a sibling.

Ensembles & Classes

SAM offers a variety of group programs, including ensemble programs for children and adults and group lessons for parents to take with their children.

Christine Petrucci

Founder, Director, Piano Teacher

Greetings to all who visit our website!

Take a look around and perhaps you may find that certain musical instrument you always wanted to play. How about enrolling your favorite 4-year-old into a Suzuki String class? Maybe you would like to enjoy singing with your child in a community chorus or strum along with a community ukulele group? Need a bit of coaching to ace that upcoming audition? Can you see your children forming the next great family band? Imagine the thrill of hearing your child perform a Beethoven Sonata! Or maybe you just love the energy that live music brings into you home?

SAM is Alive with Music Education!

We remain musically yours,

C. Christine Petrucci

What Our Students Say